You don't have to settle. I've stretched the boundaries of expectation my whole life and I don't intend to stop now. Life is meant for the senses to thrive, and I'm going to nourish them all.

The best part? I'm sharing it all here so when you're ready, you can dive in, too. So what are you waiting for?

Let's do all the things.

This is a space to capture those moments in-between the automatic beat we dance to each day. A space to find the rhythm, get creative, and tune back in to what makes our hearts really flutter. 

A little soul-exploration for the average bear? Perhaps!

Thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and stories from other rad people out there are welcome, too. Because honestly, I just think this world is a neater place when we're spinning tales, trading life-lessons & making memories—especially if it's over scotch or wine—together. 

And anyway, I'm hopelessly curious to have a little taste of "it all" in this life, and I think you are, too. So I'll raise a glass to the upcoming escapades, and to you for joining me along the way. 

I'm 1-part writer, 1-part wanna-be-wanderluster, 2-parts foodie, and the rest of the recipe is TBD. I'm still trying to figure out how to do all the things, and writing about it along the way turns out to be a treat.


 I'm jess.

estd. 2016

More paddle boarding • More books • More vegetables • More cooking • More train trips • Becoming fluent in French • More yoga •  More Europe • More writing • 




• our dog Lemon • Paris • harry potter • target • the sound of the ocean • chai lattes • a runny egg yolk • long meals at restaurants • the calm before sunrise • Malbec • A good pen in a new notebook • Reputation (anxiously awaiting  Taylor's Version!)




Jess lives in Chicago with her Bernese Mountain dog, Lemon and tortured instagram husband. She's a proud Minnesotan with island roots, & can be found at happy hours sipping wine and plotting ways to take a trip or order a second dessert.

a lil' more



Just for fun